Realme unveiled the Realme GT Neo 5 in February as the first 240W-capable phone in the world. The smartphone has a striking C-shaped RGB light unit on the back that illuminates when it receives notifications. It debuted as an entry-level flagship phone with a Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1 chipset. The company unveiled it today as a scaled-down variation of the Realme GT Neo 5. After the Redmi Note 12 Turbo, it is the second phone to have the Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 2 chipset. To find out more about this smartphone, read on.
Realme GT Neo 5 SE Features And Specifications
The 6.74-inch flat OLED display on the Realme GT Neo 5 SE has a punch-hole positioned in the center. The display has a peak brightness of 1,400 nits, a 1.5K resolution of 1240 x 2772 pixels, a refresh rate of 144 Hz, and a 2160Hz high-frequency dimming. The GT Neo 5 has a display similar to this one.
The Realme GT Neo 5 SE runs on the Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 2, which provides flagship-level performance, along with LPDDR5x RAM and UFS 3.1 storage. The device’s most expensive model comes with 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage. The device lacks a microSD card slot. It comes pre-installed with Android 13 OS and Realme UI 4.0. The Realme GT Neo 5 SE has a 16-megapixel front camera for taking selfies and making video calls. The 64-megapixel primary camera is the star of the back camera system. It comes with a 2-megapixel macro camera and an 8-megapixel ultra-wide lens.
The Realme GT Neo 5 has a 5,500mAh battery that supports 100W charging, a first for a mid-range phone, to keep the lights on. According to the manufacturer, a single charge will easily last up to two days. Other features of the device include a USB-C port, dual stereo speakers, a 3.5mm audio jack, Bluetooth 5.2, GPS, NFC, dual SIM, 5G, Wi-Fi 6, an IR blaster, and Bluetooth 5.2.
Realme GT Neo 5 SE Price And Availability
The GT Neo 5 is available in the colors Final Fantasy and Black. Realme will begin taking preorders in the domestic market today, and it will go on sale on April 10. All variants will be discounted by 100 Yuan, equivalent to $14.52, during the pre-sale period. Although we expect the product to go on sale in other markets, it is unknown if it will use the same name.